Thursday, August 18, 2016


What does one say when confronted by this image, this fact, of a shattered boy?

Found in rubble in a Syrian city, family missing, mute, what can you say to him that will give him hope and take away his pain and fear?

God sees him, and all like him, and weeps

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Sound Familiar?

I was reading a history of the First World War by the late John Keegan the other day, and among the many acute observations made by him in the book was this remark concerning its horrifying consequences where the affected societies were concerned:

"Totalitarianism was the political continuation of war by other means. It uniformed and militarised its mass electoral following, while depriving voters generally of their electoral rights, exciting their lowest political instincts and marginalising and menacing all internal opposition."

Sounds all too familiar these days, doesn't it?