Monday, October 10, 2016

Mish Mash: The Last Imperial Funeral

I will always remember this:

My father kept me home from school that day. Knowing my passion for history, he thought it far more important to witness the passing of the leader who, at one of the most critical moments in modern history, led the defiance of the psychopathic shit heel who wanted to create a world where I would have ended up wearing jackboots, speaking some Anglo-Germanic dialect, and living a short life filled with ignorance and fear of the Others.
   Note the unique tribute paid by the London stevedores and longshoremen. It was conceived and carried out by them on their own initiative.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Mish Mash: The Wave and the Rider

The extraordinary and terrifying ride by Laird Hamilton at Teahupoo. If you turn the sound up, the power of this wave becomes even more apparent.

Source: Riding Giants, a documentary by Stacey Peralta.